Agency Agreement Article 101
On the occasion of a merger, Econocom, the client, and proposed by its commercial agent, SD Lease, the conclusion of a new agency contract modifying the basis and rate of its commissions – the rate of 6% of turnover is replaced by 9% of the gross margin – and includes a (…) On 27 October 2020, the Competition Authority adopted a decision 20-D-15 rejecting as insufficiently justified the dismissal of the travel agency Travel Planet France, which specialises in business travel and is approved by IATA. The need to qualify a contract, supposedly as a commercial agency, can arise in an international context, a situation that raises not only the question of the application of the qualification criteria, but also, perhaps even more delicately, that of their identification. A contract entitled (…) Discussions on agency agreements have long focused on the distinction between “real” and “non-true” and who bears the risks between the client and the agent. Given that the literature on this distinction is widespread, the current article will focus on providing an overview of recent cases in which award-winning entities and/or agents have been held responsible for anti-competitive behaviour under Section 101, paragraphs 1 or 102, of the R and; D, especially when agreements facilitate agreements or price controls. In such cases, the entity`s liability for the conduct of its agent is particularly at stake. A sub-contract is a contract whose purpose is fully or partially in accordance with the performance of a principal contract. This often occurs in service contracts and, in particular, in commercial agency contracts. In this case, the sub-agent is nothing more than a sales agent (…) A commercial agency contract is a contract of common interest that is subject to a duty of bilateral loyalty (Com.C. art. L.
134-4). If the client does not comply with this obligation, he can attribute the violation initiated by the agent and, therefore, the (…) The characterization of a contract as a commercial agency, the key to access to protection status under the 1991 Act, is the focus of our attention this month.