Clark County Franchise Agreement
The City/County Telecommunications Board advises the County Council Board and City Council on Franchising cable television issues. The Commission establishes rules and rules for cable television franchises and ensures compliance with franchise agreements. Meetings are held quarterly. Comcast operates as part of a 10-year franchise in July 2013 for cable television services in Vancouver and Clark County, Washington. In accordance with the franchise agreement, the telecommunications commission regularly conducts audits of the cable operator`s performance. The eight-member Telecommunications Commission is a volunteer civic council that advises Vancouver City Council and Clark County Council on all matters related to the cable television franchise agreement with Comcast. More information about the City/County Telecommunication Commission. “Cable operators are encouraged to give us their views on how they think comcast is testifying during the hearing or to send us comments in writing,” said Paul Dicker, President of the City/County Telecommunications Commission. For more information on the Commission, including agendas and minutes, see Citizens interested in submitting written statements about Comcast`s performance are encouraged to submit their comments to the City/County Cable Television Office, P.O. Box 1995, Vancouver, Washington, 98668, or e-mail them to Written comments are accepted until May 10. VANCOUVER – The City/County Telecommunications Commission will hold its biennial public review of Comcast Cable`s performance at 3:30 p.m.
.m. March 6 at Vancouver City Council Chambers, 415 W. 6th St. The session will also be broadcast live on Clark/Vancouver Television (CVTV) Cable Channel 23/323 HD and