Iia International Investment Agreement
Another new development in the global AI system is to strengthen the conclusion of such agreements among developing countries. In the past, developed countries have generally entered into ESAs to protect their companies when investing abroad, while developing countries have tended to sign IAs to encourage and encourage the inflow of foreign direct investment from industrialized countries. The current trend towards strengthening IIA findings in developing countries reflects the economic changes underlying international investment relations. Developing and emerging countries are increasingly not only destination countries, but also important countries of origin of FDI flows. In line with their emerging role as foreign investors and their increased economic competitiveness, developing countries increasingly have the dual interest of encouraging inflows, but also of protecting the investments of their companies abroad. BITs and some ITPTias also contain a provision on investor-state dispute resolution. As a general rule, this gives investors the right to submit a case to an international arbitral tribunal in the event of a dispute with the host country. The joint arbitration proceedings are the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCI) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Another important trend concerns the multiplicity of different agreements. [14] As a result, the developing international AI system has been likened to the metaphor of a “spaghetti bowl.” Finally, in addition to IIA, there are other international conditions relevant to countries` national investment frameworks, including customary international law, UN instruments and the WTO agreement (e.g. B TRIMS). The main purpose of international tax treaties is to regulate the distribution of taxes on the global income of multinationals among countries.
In most cases, this involves the elimination of double taxation. The crux of the matter lies in the differences of opinion between countries on who is responsible for the taxable income of multinationals. Most often, these conflicts are dealt with through bilateral agreements dealing exclusively with the taxation of income and sometimes with capital. Nevertheless, some multilateral tax and bilateral agreements have also been concluded in the past, which deal with taxation and other issues. International tax treaties focus on the elimination of double taxation, but may, at the same time, address related issues such as the prevention of tax evasion. . . .